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Luciana Berchi

Our resident Alchemist & “Scientist Witch”
Luciana currently resides in the UK but was born and raised in Argentina; she offers classes and 1:1 sessions in both English and Spanish.

As a nature researcher in Northern Ireland, Luciana spends her time conducting investigations on plant alchemy and plant medicines. She is the creator and one of the teachers of the Apothecary-School Medicinae Siderum where the curriculum includes Alchemy and Natural Cosmetics, amongst other disciplines.

In 2018 she began working in depth with Alchemy and Herbalism and developed the Medicinae Siderum formulas, a line of Natural Cosmetics products for physical and energetic health care and holistic skin treatment.

Luciana also studied Ayurvedic Medicine, which lead her to develop personalized Holistic Health Sessions based on all of these curriculums combined — called “Planetary Alignment” Sessions.

Alchemical Therapy Session
This session includes Reiki, Astrology, Breathwork, & Alchemy

In this exploration of self, you will work 1:1 with Luciana to gain deeper insight into the way in which you navigate the world based on your natal chart and your Ayurvedic Dosha. Luciana will provide an analysis of your astral chart, a reiki healing session, a regimen of herbs personalized to your Ayurvedic Dosha or your astrological tendencies, a tarot reading, and a recommended practice of movement or meditation to incorporate into your daily routine!

It is recommended that you participate in 3 sessions to fully integrate all of the information you are receiving.

$100 per session or $250/3 sessions

Payment plans available by request.
Sessions can be held remotely or in person.