Reiki |Energy Attunement | Flow Arts | Confidence Coaching

Magalene “Magic” Ballard

Magic is a fiery free spirit and cosmic creatrix, bringing healing and inspiring energy to everything she does!

With her bubbly personality and silly nature, she loves to make people laugh and feel at ease; all while being a mirror for them to recognize and remember the magic within themselves.

Based out of Raleigh, NC, she thrives in being a vibe curator of all sorts with her business “Effervescent Energy”. | @its_magic_b

Magic genuinely brightens up and empowers the spaces she inhabits in a way that allows others to feel more open to being themselves and express freely. Between flow arts, energy work, intuitive face/body art, and authentic artistic expression; the value she offers is both mystical and of course… magical!


Distant Reiki and energy healing - $40

It can be challenging living as an energetic being in a world where it ain’t always “Good Vibes Only”. Our mind, body, and spirit have been targeted through processed food, illness, and propaganda from mass media; as well as being affected by those we come in contact with everyday. Sometimes without realizing it, we soak in the energies of things outside of us, causing our personal energy to become unbalanced and triggering certain emotions and physical ailments. Magic’s intention is to help you get back to a more centered self, by guiding you to the awareness of your body and remembering the voice of your inner knowing! Using crystals and different Reiki symbols, this gentle but powerful healing energy is sent your way in order to re-align your chakra system, bringing peace and balance within your body. Service available remotely and in person [Raleigh, NC}.

Hula Hoop Tech & Dance Classes - 1 hr Private (live): $40 Series (recorded): $111

Through her last 7 years of being a flow artist, Magic’s main and favorite prop has been a hula hoop while also exploring other forms of flow and body movement. What she enjoys most is inspiring those around her to get into their groove by creating a safe space of happiness and healing through dance. Her intention is to help community build confidence and self love through passionate play and human connection. Consider a private lesson if you’re looking for a class tailored more towards your level of experience, things you specifically would like to learn, and 1:1 help at an in-depth slower pace. The Class Series includes videos of basic hula hoop knowledge, fun exercises to find your flow, and beginner friendly tricks and combos! Join Magic as you get comfortable in your “mess-ups” and build better habits with your words, and you’ll see just how much your self-esteem and confidence bloom! Who knew a plastic circle could lead to such transformation?..spoiler alert, we did :)

Heart Led Confidence Coaching - 1 hr Personal Call: $55 Series: $111

“Dance like nobody’s watching’;, but we like to add “…or dance like everybody is watching!”…

Lack of confidence is the brain protecting you from embarrassment or discomfort, which is what would want us to dance as if we were alone for no one to see. But when we believe in ourselves and understand that outside opinions are irrelevant, we are then free from the fear of being judged. Instead we are excited to express ourselves whether it’s in front of a big crowd or just your reflection in the mirror.

By living authentically and following what feels good and resonates, not only do you empower yourself but also empower and inspire those around you!

Creation flows freely from a place of curiosity and excitement, and this series is a great start to watching that magic unfold inside you and trickle into other parts of your life. So how do we get there? With your high vibe spiritual bestie!

Magic creates a safe container for you to dive into what makes you feel uncomfortable with expressing your true self through dance, and in other parts of your life. Coming from a place of patience and compassion, we pinpoint where certain parts of your life have contributed to the development of your self esteem, and work on reprogramming thoughts that no longer serve you, to ones that are based in self love and light.

*This can either be a Coaching / Support Call [which is better suited for when the client wants to work through something more specific], or taken as the series where different topics are discussed in each class. Link below to inquire more.