Dynaea | Astrospective

Inspired by the merging of astrology and psychology, Astrospective is a channel from the etheric to the material. A lens that unites the axis of science and spirit, illuminating the cosmogenesis of the soul.


During an Intuitive Natal Chart Reading, Dynaea will interpret the strongest energies in your chart as it's read, gazing through both Western and Vedic lenses, if desired. This reading dives deep into specific planetary placements and their expression in your life as well as their subconscious manifestation, inviting profound clarity into your processes and your path to an integrated self. This reading will encompass both natal and transit charts, if needed.
60 mins | $280

This reading uses the natal chart, progressed chart and transit charts to provide a holistic perspective of your 12 months ahead, revealing key themes, patterns and events that will be dominant influences. This is an excellent tool to have during your year as a reference of energetic updates that are occurring, to create a more cohesive flow with the universe and enhance alignment with its plans for you. 

A forecast reading can be drawn at any point of the year, and can also be purchased as a birthday forecast -- a forecast of the year ahead from your birth date until your next birthday, which is considered a 'solar return'. 
60 mins | $256

In this reading Dynaea will compare the natal charts and describe the energies, harmonies, difficulties and compatibilities between two individuals. This process can be used to illuminate the bonds of karmic and past life connections, as well as the shadows we must face to break perpetual patterns of our own. For this reading, she will need both yours and the chosen individual's birth details. This reading only focuses on one relationship and it does not have to be a romantic.
90 mins | $340


The Parental Dynamic Reading uses the natal charts of both parent and child, illuminating the nature of the experiences that will be recurring in the parent/child dynamic, and extracting the stories that are developing on a personality level. These stories can usually be altered by a parent who allows and facilitates optimum emotional support for the child, based on the deeper understanding gained through astrological insight. Not only can this reading offer deeper insight into the already programmed attachments a child may have to certain patterns of thought or behaviour, it can provide relief of responsibility for the parent who feels like they must monitor and control all experiences.

As you will now have more insight into the child's specific functions, you create space for them to feel secure in their own emotional intelligence.
90 mins | $340